Join us in this epic study of Surah Yusuf where students will explore very personal challenges and deep-seated experiences like sadness, betrayal, trauma and so much more, as we extract mindsets to help us deal with them.

Course curriculum

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    Surah Yusuf Mindsets

    • Lecture Notes

    • Mindset 1: Allah inherently empowers the believers

    • Mindsets 2-3: Smart belief always wins | Lies and falsehood always leaves signs & traces

    • Mindset 4: Life transforming beliefs are found in the worst of moments

    • Mindsets 5-6: Only Allah makes my pain into pleasure | Proactive kindness of a Muslim is at the boundary of deception — we’re not fools!

    • Mindsets 7-8: Muhsin is the sought after gem for the Believers | Proactive forbearance is superiority

    • Mindsets 9-11: Proactive forbearance is superiority | Care is sincerity | Forgiveness with clarity is kindness

    • Mindsets 12-14: Duty with Ihsan (excellence) is always the top priority | Showing off is insecurity | Sadness is always relative & temporary for me

    • Mindsets 15-16: Forgiveness and generosity is with authority | Gratitude is life


Shaykh Abu Ubaid

Shaykh Abu Ubaid has spent almost 15 years abroad studying Islam in Bangladesh, Egypt and Mauritania. He is the Founder and Dean of Studies of Dar Al-Arqam, London UK, where he is also the lead instructor for many of its courses. He is also a Khateeb, board member and consultant to a number of organisations and businesses.