Dalil al-Talib, authored by the renowned Hanbali jurist Mari bin Yusuf al Karmi (d.1033h), is one of the most popular primers in Hanbali fiqh (law). This text is more advanced than other introductory works like Kitab Furu al-Fiqh, Bidayah al-Abid, and Manhaj al-Salikin. While it bears similarities to Zad al-Mustaqni by al-Hajawi, Dalil al Talib covers slightly fewer topics but offers a clearer representation of the dominant and authoritative positions within the school of Imam Ahmad.

Taught by Ustadh Qutb Uddin.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Book of Purification (كتاب الطهارة)

    • Lesson 1: Types of Water

    • Lesson 2: Types of Water

    • Lesson 3: Utensils & Cleansing Human Waste

    • Lesson 4: Cleansing Human Waste

    • Lesson 5: Cleansing the Mouth