Session 1:

  • The arrival of Muslims in al-Andalus

  • The entry of Tariq bin Ziyad and Musa ibn Nusayr 

  • Count Julian and La Cava Rumiya 

  •  History of Visigoths, Arianism and strengths and weaknesses

  • Battle of Gaudelete

  • Treaty with Theodoric and Jewish treatment 

  • Christians who fled north - Pelago and Northern Christians

  • Battle of Covadonga

  • 721 Toulouse

  • 730 Aquitaine 

  • 732 The Battle of Tours

Session 2:

  • Abdul Rahman I (755) - Umayyad prince

  • 750 Abbasid revolution and the escape of a prince

  • The building of Masjid Qurtuba and the growth of a community 

  • Abdur Rahman II ...

  • The Mozarab phenomenon

  • Christian martyr movement 

  • Abdur Rahman III 

  • Cordoba, the city of a thousand lights

  • The Convivencia and peak of a civilisation

  • Madina al-Zahra 

  • Seville

  • Scientists of botany

  • Female scholars and artisans 

  • Ibn Amir al-Mansur and northern campaigns 

  • Santiago de Compostela

Session 3:

  • Muluk al-Tawa'if  (Party kingdoms) caused by the collapse of Umayyad rule in 1031

  • Division and weaknesses

  • Growing Christian strength - Urban II responding to appeal of Alexius Comnenus (Orthodox church)/crusade had its genesis in Iberia, Clero Vultutnensi papal bull - Zaragossa/1089 Urban II indulgence for those who rescued church of Tarragona

  • The impact of the Crusades

  • Everything is in flux - the year of death of caliphs

  • Ali Ibn Tahir al-Sulami - sought to inspire confidence and create impact 1105 /1187 

  • Sometimes you can't predict what could happen - the year of the death of the caliph

  • Al-Rundi - li Kulli Shay'in... 


  • Aljamiado, fiqh for the oppressed and hidden lives

  • The Tale of Carcayonna the Handless Maiden

  • Resistance - passive and active

  • Enduring legacy

  • Yusuf ibn Tashufin - Murabitun and renewal 

    Fall of Seville

  • Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

  • Poem of al-Rundi 

    End of Cordoba and Expulsion of Muslims

  • surveillance and seclusion 


    The Birth of Granada

  • Bastion of refugees

  • Construction of a monument - The Alhambra Palace 

    1482 The loss of an empire

  • Ferdinand and Isabella

  • Christopher Columbus and the Americas 

    The Spanish Inquisition

  • Ferdinand, Isabella and Grand Inquisitors

  • Dios La Quere! (God Wills It!)

  • 1502 Great Fire of Granada 

    The Al-Pujarras rebellion

  • Causes, preparations, attacks 



  • Aljamiado, fiqh for the oppressed and hidden lives

  • The Tale of Carcayonna the Handless Maiden

  • Resistance - passive and active

  • Enduring legacy

Course curriculum

  • 1

    History Series - Al-Andalus

    • Lesson 1

    • Lesson 2

    • Lesson 3