This is a series of 11 classes on the 5 most common and destructive diseases of the nafs (self). 

The course contains a study of verses and prophetic statements on the real world manifestations of each disease, their polar (positive) opposites and how to practically mitigate, eliminate and protect the nafs from them:

  1. Nifaq (Hypocrisy, two-facedness, deceitful fakery)

  2. Ujb (Conceit, self-amazement, in awe of oneself)

  3. Hasad (Envy, jealousy, resentful)

  4. Kibr (Arrogance, condescension, snobbery)

  5. Shuh (stinginess, miserliness) 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    1. Nifaq (Hyprocrisy)

    • Lecture Notes

    • Lesson 1 - Nifaq (Hyprocrisy) | Audio not synced correctly

    • Lesson 2 - Nifaq (Hyprocrisy)

  • 2

    2. Ujb (Conceit, self-amazement, in awe of oneself)

    • Lecture Notes

    • Lesson 3 - Ujb (Conceit, self-amazement, in awe of oneself)

    • Lesson 4 - Ujb (Conceit, self-amazement, in awe of oneself)

  • 3

    3. Hasad (Envy, jealousy, resentful)

    • Lecture notes for Hasad will be uploaded soon

    • Lesson 5 - Hasad (Envy, jealousy, resentful)

    • Lesson 6 - Hasad (Envy, jealousy, resentful)

    • Lesson 7 - Hasad (Envy, jealousy, resentful)

  • 4

    4. Kibr (Arrogance, condescension, snobbery)

    • Lecture notes for Kibr will be uploaded soon

    • Lesson 8 - Kibr (Arrogance, condescension, snobbery)

    • Lesson 9: Kibr (Arrogance, condescension, snobbery)

  • 5

    5. Shuh (stinginess, miserliness)

    • Lecture notes for Shuh will be uploaded soon

    • Lesson 10: Shuh (stinginess, miserliness)

    • Lesson 11: Shuh (stinginess, miserliness)


Shaykh Abu Ubaid

Shaykh Abu Ubaid has spent almost 15 years abroad studying Islam in Bangladesh, Egypt and Mauritania. He is the Founder and Dean of Studies of Dar Al-Arqam, London UK, where he is also the lead instructor for many of its courses. He is also a Khateeb, board member and consultant to a number of organisations and businesses.